Purpose, Vision & Values
If you’ve heard me speak on this topic, you’ll know that I talk about the many ‘types’ of purpose that you can choose to focus on, ranging from life to career, team, leadership, organisational and more.
There’s also the traits within each of us that makes us distinctive and effective as agents of change, and that ‘purpose as a leader’ underpins our success in achieving our goals.
Here’s a snapshot of my purpose from a life, leadership and business perspective:
My personal purpose
To live a helpful and rewarding life.
Personal values
What’s important to me:
> Being grateful for what I have.
> Enjoying the colours and textures of life.
> Taking fun and good humour seriously!
> Engaging with local community.
> Acting with empathy and respect.
My business vision
A healthy planet with shared prosperity.
My business purpose (same as my purpose as a leader)
Turning ripples into waves of positive change.
The values I apply in my work
These values are important to me in how I deliver my work:
> Adopting a growth mindset.
> Building trust in relationships.
> Empowering others.
> Curating solutions.
> Having courage to lead change.
These are simple statements, however there’s a bit of work that goes into their creation.
Contact me for assistance in reviewing your purpose, vision or values.