Phil offers programs for developing skills, strategic and positive work culture outcomes.



How do you start exploring purpose?

Methods vary according to whether you are adopting an individual, leadership, team or organisational focus, and Phil is an experienced guide who takes you through that process.

Check out his workshop options.



Formed and run conjunction with Carolyn Butler-Madden, our Purpose Ignition product range consists of keynotes, workshops, programs and mastermind groups bring clarity and align leadership teams behind a meaningful purpose-driven approach to achieve organisational success.

​The outcomes delivered enable leaders to kick-start the engine of their purpose agenda.



Whether you are seeking a purpose-driven leadership program, mastermind-style group coaching or content for your existing programs, Phil helps your leaders form a consistent understanding and application of purpose-driven leadership skills.

Download these five (5) practical insights from purpose-driven leaders:

You'll gain unique insights into methods for aligning profit growth with positive impacts for people and the planet.

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